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How to Choose the Right Bowling Bowl

Your bowling prowess will largely be determined with the type of ball you choose. When you reach the bowling center, do not just go for any ball available on the rack. Otherwise, you may spend the whole evening trying to hit the bowls but end up performing dismally. In this article, we look at some of the things to consider before buying a bowling ball.


i)             Weight of the ball


All ebonite bowling ball are not made the same. Just like players have different strengths, so are the bowling balls you will come across. One of the things you should consider when choosing a ball is its weight. Your strength should help you determine the weight of the ball that will be right for you. If you choose a ball that is too heavy, you risk not being able to throw it fast enough to hit the bowls. On the other hand, if the bowl is too light, then you may throw it with much vigor such that not all bowls will be knocked down.


Look for a bowling ball of average weight. This means the ball should neither be too heavy nor too light. You will know when you lift an average weight ball. The ball will feel just right. Moreover, when you throw, it will go at a steady pace that is bound to knock all the bowls down.


So, what is really the best weight to look for when selecting a bowling shoes? A good rule of thumb is to have a bowl that is one-tenth of your body weight. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, look for a ball that is 12 pounds. Also, keep in mind that the weight of the ball should guide you on the strength to use when throwing.


ii)            Ball holes


Another thing to consider is the holes on the ball. The holes should fit your fingers well and leave them comfortable. Look for a ball whose holes are not too tight nor too lose. When playing, you should not have to worry about the ball getting stuck in your hand or falling off for being too loose. Majority of house balls are drilled to enable the thumb go all the way into the ball and for the middle and ring fingers to go into the second knuckle.


You should also test how the ball fits in your hand. Make sure the ball has full contact with your hands.


The above are two things to keep in mind when choosing a bowling ball.

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